Elder Moore & Elder Salinas doing practices
1: The people we are teaching aren’t very many because we are having a hard time finding new investigators. But right now we are teaching Nelson who is great, he always sends us down to the corner store to buy a bottle of sprite and cookies for the lessons. Next is Toribio Troche, he is going to be probably kicked off of our list because he won’t progress. We ask him “what are you expecting from us and from the lessons” and always he says no no no for me it’s just that it’s just well its bienvenido(welcoming) and we ask him to read and pray and come to church and he just says va a ver(we´ll see) but idk what we are going to do with him. Lily is a lady who we met from Hermano Nappa. It’s his girlfriend and she grew up catholic and she was a teacher at catholic Sunday school but her mom is a member and Lily has already read the book of Mormon herself a while ago. She has come to church once and she accepts all of the baptismal questions and everything. But there is something she is hiding and she says it’s out of her control so we are trying to get that out of her. Last are Pedro and Sonia, the couple that need to get married. Pedro is ready and he wants it, but Sonia is a little worried on the marriage part and on the doctrine part. So we told her that she can know it’s true by her feelings. I told her about the time a few weeks ago when I felt really good when we taught Oscar. Then I said to know that this gospel is true its como una receta. una receta por una torta tenia huevos, azucar, leche y otro cosas. Y le dijo hermana si no pone la azucar en la torta, va a ser una bfuen torta. y ella me dijo claro fque no. y yo le dijo sí, es la mismo con usted. Usted teine una receta para saber la verdad de estas cosas. Su receta es orar, leer, y asistir. Y yo le dijo, si no asistir la iglesia, va a recibir una respuesta y ella dijo no. Y en Domingo pasado ella asisitio. Cool.
2. The stuff I love is looking at all the stuff here, getting letters from you all, I want more!!!!!!!!! But I like when we ask people to do things and they do it. Also when we have planned to watch the restoration movie and they don’t have a dvd player so the lesson just goes off of the spirit.
3. As for the eating part yummy. we only get 750.000 a month so less than 200 bucks. I live in the nicest city in Paraguay. Encarnacion is the cleanest and most chuchi of all of Paraguay. So that means that food here is expensive and we only have to lunch appt. On Wednesday we go to fila delgado and on Saturday we go to see abuela, vanessa, and her little girl Deborá. They usually make good food, well if abuela makes it, it isn’t very good. But today for breakfast I had ramen. We are out of cereal milk and everything. We had no food. So we just spent that last of our money for this month today at the store and it didn’t get us very much. But good thing Elder Boylston and Elder Kartchner were in centro(the city) so they bought us pizza. I swear we have rice like every day. we get home and put the pot on the stove let it get nice and hot, dump in a full mug of rice and double the water and drop in a chicken flavoring cube. When we have money we love to get lomitos. ballin burritos.
4. And yes i take lots of pictures, I’m going to get some developed today if I can find a place. You said mom that Asuncion would have more stuff but it’s not going to. This place is great. I would never live here but it’s great.
I have a microwave and we use oil everyday to fry chicken patties. I can buy eggs but people never do because the bag of flour that you buy here has everything in it salt, eggs, flour, everything, but I can buy eggs. and yeah I still want bubble mailers. We found a post office in my area so I don’t have to wait like a week and a half for the office to send out my mail. You have to send stuff to the office but I don’t have to use the office. When I use the post office in my area it only takes 10 days for a letter to get to the U.S. so about 2 weeks to get you a letter. I put 2 in the mail last week, one for Grandma Nette with an activity for her about the Catholics for all of you to do and send back to me and one for Saige. Dad should get one this week, I hope. And I have a letter for Spencer but he won’t get it for a while because I don’t have any money so send it. So I’ll put one for Spencer and M’Kay in the same letter.
My heck, you guys start to do all the fun stuff right when I leave, go to McCall for 2 weeks! Don’t you think i would like to go with all of you. Plus there will be less people so that’s more time to ride the jet ski´s and the boat. UGh well I guess it’s just a mile marker in the mish, one family reunion down and one more to go.
But i just finished my first change here in the mission. Everyone says that the first one and well your first area is the slowest and then 3 changes will go by and it will feel like 1 change went by. but it’s going good. I know it’s going to be a little bit still before I’m a Spanish machine but whatever it’s just another day in Babylon!!!!!!!!! Oh and i was way disappointed today when i didn’t get my scripture cases. They should have been here by now.
So that’s about all for this week. Nothing too exciting, and where is the letters from the Walkers and from dad??? Mom you need to get on their cases about this or tell them that the list of cool things I have planned to buy them is going to get trashed. HAHA, but really I do have some cool things planned to buy for you all. Something like jerseys which reminds me Paraguay lost the Copa America yesterday, lame. But also custom stuff with your names on them, for the brothers, some switchblades, swords, machetes, hammocks, and maybe some other stuff, but only if i start getting letters

One last thing, this last week i had Maté Dulce for the first time, it’s so good. It is shaved coconut flakes into the cup, then you heat up milk and put sugar in it and you pour it over the coconut....so good. i talked about it in that letter you should get this week.
Te quire mucho
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